Hotel “Dobrudja” uses the website to make the reservations of its clients possible. Reservations can be made via the website, phone, fax or another way, which ensures a reliable connection with the client and which is also available for both sides. Hotel “Dobrudja” needs the personal data of each guest to make a reservation. The personnel of the hotel respects the personal data of the users and it is responsible for maintaining its confidentiality. The hotel has no right to provide neither free, nor paid the confidential information to third person. Hotel “Dobrudja” reserves its right to extend and modify the functionalities, conditions and products on the website, as all of the modifications will be indicated in due time.
With your access to this website and the reservations you make via it you agree that you are familiar and you agree with the conditions below:

Types of information we gather:
If you use our online services and you create a system account, we gather your personal data, which you freely provide: your name, address, phone number, e-mail. The personal data is processed and used under strict observance of the requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council from 27 April 2016 about the protection of the individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and about the free transfer of this type of information and about repealing Directive 95/46/ЕC (General Ragulation on the protection of personal data), Low on protection of personal data and other applicable provisions.
You are not required to submit this information but in this case we are not able to provide you the relevant services.

Ways of collecting information from the users.
One of the ways, which hotel “Dobrudja” uses to get access to information about the users, is when they freely provide it. Another way of access to personal data, that the hotel uses, is the comments on the website. They reveal the IP address and the hour of visit.

Gist of Cookies and way of acting.
Cookies are another source of information for the user. Cookies are small text files, located in the browser directories. They load while the website is loading. At every next visit to the same website the browser sends this text file to the server of the site. Cookies regulate the way of showing different advertisements and ads and also the functioning of the elements of the site.

Approval and deactivation of files.
You can control and/or delete Cookies whenever you want to. The Cookies are under control of the settings of the browser. Different browsers use different ways of approval and deactivation of the Cookies, as the options for this usually can be found in the menus Tools or Options. You can delete all the Cookies that are already saved on your computer, also you can tune up most of the browsers to block them. If you do this, you will probably have to tune up in manually some of the parameters each time when you visit the site, also it is possible some of the functions and services to not work. For more information look at

Reasons why the hotel uses Cookies.
We use Cookies to personalize the content and the advertisements, to submit functions to the social media and to analyze out web traffic. Also we share information about the way we use our site with our partner social media, our advertisement partners and analyzing partners. Thanks to the Cookies Albena Company makes using the site easier for the users. Analyzing the data of every-day visits, including by services as Google Analytics and Google Ad sense, leads to a number of improvements in regard to the communication between the site and the users. For example, Cookies give to the users the possibility to see first products and services, which match their interests. It is possible the Cookies to be used for non-good-natured objective. Because they save information about the history of searching and preferences of the user, they also can be used for espionage. However, there are products which successfully deal with this problem – when applying the relevant programs, they mark the Cookies as files, subjected to deletion.

With whom do we share your information.
Hotel “Dobrudja” does not share, sell or rent out your personal data with third person. Your personal data can be provided to third person in case it is required by law.

Rules for security of your personal data.
The protection of your personal data is very important for hotel “Dobrudja”. We take care of saving the confidentiality of your data.
Avoid the access to our online services from publicly available computers.
Do not save your user name and password on your web browser.
Use secure password. It is recommended to use longer passwords, consisting of eight or more symbols that contain letters, numbers and symbols. If you have doubt that someone may have found your user name and/or password, change them immediately. Do not reveal to anyone your user name and password.
Hotel “Dobrudja” works in a way, providing preserving security of the users of the website. Our security measures are constantly updating, according to the technology developments. The transfer of information in the global web always hides risks. The behavior of the user is also important for better results when it comes up to the security. The protection of your personal data is important for us. We appreciate your trust when you choose to visit and use to make your online reservation and we follow the commitment to protect the privacy of the personal data that you have provided by striving to stich to The common regulation about the protection of the data, Law about the protection of the personal data and other applicable provisions.

Collecting, processing and transmission of personal data.
You can visit our site without leaving any personal data. Personal data is being collected only if you provide it freely. , for example when you make a reservation for accommodation or you make an inquiry. If you make a reservation, you are asked to fill the online form, which contains: name, e-mail address, phone number. This data is needed for processing the order (including sending an e-mail to confirm the order).

Consent and using the data for the objectives below.
If you transmit personal data (names, e-mail, phone number), the providing of the data is made freely. If you provide the data you agree about the collecting, processing and use in order to make contact. Collecting, processing and use for any other objectives is not done. This consent can be rejected at any time considered to be a future period. Transmission of your personal data is not done if you don’t want to.

Right of information.
You have the right to ask for information about what data is saved for you, its origin and also what is the objective of saving it. Our team will submit this information to you on your e-mail address, provided by you when you were making a reservation. Furthermore, you have the right to correct, block or delete ypur personal data, according to the regulations.